This past school holidays my family had decided we wanted to spend some time walking in the mountains. We had been watching the weather forecast hoping there would be a window of fine conditions. In the first week we managed a brilliant 3 day trip in to the Cobb. A really nice way to get back into the groove of living small out of a pack, and making a list of all the little things we need to remember for the next walk (like a little dish towel and cloth to go with the cleaning kit).
We got home from our walk fizzing from the adventure. Our packs were still spilling their contents around the house when my phone rang. A good friend of mine was heading into the hills and wanted to know if we would be interested in joining... BUT we needed to be packed and out the door in less than 2 hours if we were going to make it to the intended campsite before dark.

My wet weathers did not even get a shake out... we stuffed all of our gear back in our packs and made a pit stop at the supermarket to top up on our walking treats. We were heading up to Nelson Lakes for an adventure.

We met near the Kerr Bay Campground just before lunchtime and had a bite to eat while getting our packs sorted. Our plan was to walk past Parachute Rocks and over the ridge to set up camp amongst the tarns. We could not have asked for better conditions. There were views for miles once we reached the tops.

With a magical mix of Jet Planes and Sour Worms as the track turns relatively vertical between Parachute Rocks and the ridge... the kids walked well ahead giggling and skipping all the way. The bounce in my step definitely dampened beneath the weight of my pack.

We set up camp on a soft flat patch of snow grass near the tarns, arriving just in time to get dinner cooked over camp stoves while the kids played. It was a beautiful clear and relatively still night with the moon almost full. It was really magical sitting outside watching the fine clouds settle as the evening cold set in.

By morning we woke to frost and beautiful clear blue skies. We had a relaxed start to the morning. Hubby was out early with his binoculars to watch for animals. It was an ideal time to take our cameras for a walk while the kids played.

After many photos and a good walk around the tarns surrounding our camp we reluctantly packed up and made a start walking to our next intended camp site. Our plan was to make our way up to the ridge and follow it along before dropping down into Powder Valley.
[ to be continued ]